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1. Moussas, V., Pantazis, D.N., & Stratakis, P., 2018, THE CO.TR.I.S SYSTEM: TOWARDS A SMARTER COASTAL TRANSPORT NETWORK FOR SMART ISLANDS. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. IV-4/W7, pp.91-98. 


2. Moussas, V., Pantazis, D.N., Stratakis, P., Lazarou, E., Gkadolou, E., Karathanasis, C. & Daverona, A.C., 2015, Modeling Methodologies for Optimization and Decision Support on Coastal Transport Information System (Co.Tr.I.S.). In International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, Springer, Cham, pp. 591-606.


3. Moussas, V., Pantazis, D.N., Stratakis, P., Lazarou, E., Gkadolou, E., Karathanasis, C. & Daverona, A.C., 2015, Coastal Transport Information System (Co. Tr. IS): System and Subsystems Description, In International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, Springer, Cham, pp. 591-606.


4. Chainas, K., 2012, The optimization of the Greek coastal shipping transportation network, Tourismos: an international multidisciplinary journal of tourism, 7(1), pp. 351-366.


5. Pantazis, D.N., Moussas, V.C., Stratakis, P., Feloni, E., Argyrakis, P., Lazarou, E., Gkadolou, E., & Daverona, A.C., 2019, The coastal transport information system (CO.TR.I.S.) as an integrated approach for the maritime transport designBSGLg [En ligne], Hommage au Professeur Jean-Paul Donnay, 72, pp.73-94.


6. Pantazis, D. N., Stratakis, P., Karathanasis, C., Gkadolou, E., Pagounis V., Chronis K., Gatsiou M., Moumouri-Fragkou F. & Tsekos P., 2013, COASTAL TRANSPORT INTEGRATED SYSTEM IN THE AEGEAN SEA ISLANDS: FRAMEWORK, METHODOLOGY, DATA ISSUES AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-4/W1.


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8. Pantazis, D., Moussas, V., Stratakis, P., Stathakis, D. & Gkadolou, E., 2018. GIS Applications in Costal Transport: The Co.Tr.I.S Case and Its Contribution Towards the Islands Sustainable Smartification. Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2018, pp.284-299. 


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10. Pantazis, D., Stratakis, P., Daverona, A.C., Gkadolou, E., Lazarou, E., & Babalona, E., 2014, Coastal Transport Integrated System: Spatial Database Schema, Metadata and Data Dictionary, Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology — CEET 2014, pp.111-115. 


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13. Pantazis, D., Stratakis, P., Karathanasis, C. & Gkadolou, E., 2013. Design of a Coastal Transport Integrated System: Preliminary System Specifications and Data Collection for the Aegean Sea Islands. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.268-283.


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15. V. Moussas, D. Pantazis, Panagioths Stratakis. Modeling Methodologies for Optimization and Decision Support on Coastal Transport Information System (Co.Tr.I.S.)  World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering.


16. D. Pantazis, P. Stratakis, Design of a Coastal Transport Integrated System: Preliminary System Specifications and Data Collection for the Aegean Sea Islands  Environmental Science.


17. D. Pantazis, P. Stratakis, Coastal Transport Integrated System: Spatial Database Schema, Metadata and Data Dictionary, Computer Science.

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