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1. Smart Cities Conference. 2019. 7th Smart Cities Conference - Τεχνολογίες για «Î­ξυπνες» πÏŒλεις στην Ελλάδα του 2019

2. European Commission. 2018. Smart Cities - Cities using technological solutions to improve the management and efficiency of the urban environment.

3. TUWIEN. 2018. European Smart Cities


4. SmartCitiesWorld, Sharing Ideas To Solve Urban Challenges. 2020.


5. SmartCitiesDive. 2020.


6. 2020.Smartcities Information System. 


7. Tomorrow. city. 2020. Tomorrow. City.


8.  Smart cities. 2021.


9. 2021. Livability, Workability, Sustainability | Smart Cities Council.


10. SmartCity. 2020. Home.


11. 2019. Home | Chennai Smart City.


12. 2022. Smartiscity – Smart Cities, Smart Citizens.


13. Smart Cities Conference. 2023. 11th Smart Cities Conference - "Oι Έξυπνες ΠÏŒλεις δεν είναι το μέλλον, είναι το σήμερα"


14. Smart Cities Conference. 2023. 9th IEEE International-“Smart Cities: a Holistic Approach“.


15. Ayyannan, M. (2023) Hybrid Optimization Algorithm to Mitigate Phishing URL Attacks In Smart Cities | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore,


16. Pansera, M. et al. (2022) ‘Exploring citizen participation in smart city development in Mexico City: an institutional logics approach’, Organization Studies, 44(10), p. 017084062210941.


17. Gracias, J.S. et al. (2023) Smart Cities-A Structured Literature Review, MDPI.


18. Rana, N.P. et al. (2018) Barriers to the development of smart cities in Indian context - information systems frontiers, SpringerLink.


19. (No date) Smart city middleware: A survey and a conceptual framework | IEEE ... 


20. Author links open overlay panelHuan-yu Cui et al. (2023) Do smart cities improve energy efficiency? A test of spatial effects and mechanisms, Sustainable Cities and Society. 


21. Author links open overlay panelAli Asker Guenduez 1 et al. (2024) Institutional work in Smart Cities: Interviews with smart city managers, Urban Governance. 


22. Raj, A. and Shetty, S.D. (2024) Smart Parking Systems Technologies, tools, and challenges for implementing in a smart city environment: A survey based on IOT & ML Perspective - International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, SpringerLink. 


23. Author links open overlay panelWaheb A. Jabbar a et al. (2023) Internet of things enabled parking management system using Long Range Wide Area Network for smart city, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. 


24. (No date a) Emergency responses of Indian Smart Cities during the covid-19 pandemic.


​25. Lai, O. (2024) Top 7 smart cities in the world in 2024, Earth.Org. (Accessed: 19 November 2024)


26. City, S. (2024) Smart cities: A futuristic vision, The Smart City Journal. (Accessed: 19 November 2024)



Research, Projects, Consultancy, Lectures, Seminars, e-Learning, Educational Material in:
Cartography, Geodesy, Topography, Photogrammetry, Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing, Smart Cities, Urban Planning, Land Planning, Spatial Information Systems, SIS, Geographical Information Systems, GIS, Coastal Transport Information System, CoTrIS, Fleet Management, Distribution Network, Supply Network, Spatial Data Collector, Spatial Data, Spatial Metadata, Spatial Databases, Case Tools, Geomarketing, Geobusiness, Sensor Networks, Smart Sensors, Sustainability, Optimization, Anomaly Detection.

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