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Suggestions Comments

We believe that the measures taken so far in our country are correct and effective. This is also confirmed by the numbers.
Furthermore, all measures clearly help to reduce the known number R0 = S x L x B (number of cases = possible cases during the course of the disease in one case of virus transmission)
Of course, on the other hand, with the whole country in quarantine, the chances of another form of development are reduced.
In any case, we have to conclude the following remarks / suggestions regarding the spatial spread of the virus, its mapping and the tracking of cases, for the next day:
• Trace cycles can direct sampling to specific categories of citizens as well as to specific categories of spaces (universities, camps, hospitals, schools, nursing homes,.).
• The geographical locations of such possible areas of unexpected increase in cases (sources of virus spread) should be mapped immediately (if not already done).
• Strict measures must be maintained (even if adapted) where large gatherings of citizens (schools, universities, etc.) will be observed.
• Measures in nursing homes and nursing homes must be maintained.
• There should be different measures per area depending on the number and area where the cases have been observed.
• A kind of quarantine of both types must be maintained (white / positive: ie restriction on access to areas that have few cases, and black / negative, ie restriction on exit / movement outside the area that has many cases).
In no case should in our opinion the measures be geographically / spatially horizontal but adapted to each area / see micro-area.

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