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1. Crime Analysis GIS Solutions for Intelligence-Led Policing, 2008, ESRI.
2. Wang, D., Ding, W., Lo, H., Stepinski, T., Salazar, J. & Morabito, M., 2012, Crime hotspot mapping using the crime related factors—a spatial data mining approach. Applied Intelligence, 39(4), pp.772-781.
3. Fitterer, J., Nelson, T. & Nathoo, F., 2014. Predictive crime mapping. Police Practice and Research, 16(2), pp.121-135.
4. Adeyemi, R., Mayaki, J., Zewotir, T. & Ramroop, S., 2021. Demography and Crime: A Spatial analysis of geographical patterns and risk factors of Crimes in Nigeria. Spatial Statistics, 41, p.100485.
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